European Union Reference Laboratory for
Antimicrobial and Dye Residues in Food

Gaudin V., “A guidance to harmonise and simplify the use of certificate of analysis for standards of veterinary drugs” presentation at IDF analytical week, AT15 virtual meeting, Brussels Belgium 16-19 April 2021 (online)
Gaudin V., Hédou C., Soumet C., Verdon E., “Protecting Consumer Health by Developing an Electrochemical Immunosensor for the Detection of Banned Antibiotic Residues in Honey” - 18th International Meeting on Chemical Biosensors IMCS 2021 (online) https://imcs2021.gatech.edu/
Verdon E. & Montes Nino A., Session 3 of the Joint AOAC-Europe Section / Swiss Food Chemistry Society Food Science Symposium - Are we prepared for the next food trends and challenges? Neuchatel-Zurich - Switzerland (1-2 July - on-line congress) – Title of Session 3: “Is our analytical method portfolio fir for purpose?”
2. Anton Kaufmann (KLZH Zurich, Switzerland), “Moving away from targeted towards non-targeted strategies”
3. Estelle Dubreil (EU-RL ANSES-Fougeres, France), ”Does new trends in seafood and aquaculture require new analytical developments for monitoring chemical hazards in food products : the case of dyes”
4. Joe Boison ‘retired’ (CFIA/ACIA, Saskatoon, Canada), “Using targeted, non-targeted and molecular approaches to develop methods that would ultimately be considered”
1. Anton Kaufmann, KLZH Zurich, Switzerland, “Participating in residue analysis proficiency tests with HRMS; a bold decision?”
2. Jeffrey Archer, (US-FDA, Jefferson, Arkansas, USA), “APGC-QqQ MS, Is it the new gold standard for dioxin and furan determinations?”
3. Randall Purves, (CFIA, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada), “Using high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) to improve thyreostatic drug detection in animal tissues using LC - selective reaction monitoring (LC-SRM)”
4. Michelangelo Anastassiades, (CVUA Stuttgart, EURL-SRM, Fellbach, Germany), “Fumigation of dry foodstuff with ethylene oxide – residue problems and measures taken by the EU to tackle the crisis”
5. Yelena Sapozhnikova, US-DA ERRC, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania, USA, “Screening of chemicals in plastic food contact materials by GC- and LC-Orbitrap mass spectrometry”
1.“EU analytical performance criteria for Vet Drug Residue control: time for a revision!”, Leen van Ginkel, WFSR – Agric. Univ. of Wageningen, The Netherlands
2.“New Developments in HRMS Screening Method for Veterinary Drugs and Other Chemical Contaminants in Aquacultured Products”, Sherri Turnipseed, US-FDA, ADRC / Denver Laboratory, CO, USA
3.“Strategies for a flawless determination of prohibited drugs in contaminated foods: a case study of deliberate fish exposure to Multi-Dyes”, Estelle Dubreil, Anses, the French Food Safety Agency, Fougeres Laboratory, France
4.“Comparison of 4 Different Multiclass, Multiresidue Analysis Methods for Veterinary Drugs in Fish and Other Food Matrices”, Steven Lehotay, US-DA, ERRC / Wyndmoor, Philadelphia, PA, USA
1.“Multi-residue Method for Analysis of Veterinary Drug Residue In Meat By LC-HRMS - Screening and/or Quantitation ? “, Dominique Hurtaud-Pessel, Anses-Fougeres, France
2.“Development and validation of a QuEChERS mega-method for the analysis of pesticides, veterinary drugs, and environmental contaminants in fish and meat “, Steven Lehotay, US-DA, ERRC, Wyndmoor, USA
3.“Occurrence of Residues of Veterinary Antibiotics in Water, Sediment and Trout Tissue (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the South Area of Titicaca Lake – Peru“, Franz Vilca, Universidad Nacional de Moquegua, Puna, Peru
4.“Occurrence of Antibiotics and Veterinary Drug Residues in Wildlife in South Africa”, Ovokeroye Abafe, Agricultural Research Council-OVR, Onderstepoort, South Africa
1.Study example(s) in MS-based metabolomics approaches for detecting exposure to veterinary treatments with medicinal products by Sophie Mompelat, ANSES-Fougeres, France
2.Food authenticity testing with next-generation sequencing by Mike Bennett, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA
3.Multi-substance screening methods by Wolfgang Radeck, Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, Germany
4.Validation of LC-MS/MS methods for quantification of endobiotics in food matrices: a practical approach by Siegrid De Baere, Ghent University, Belgium
5.Development and validation of a comprehensive LC-HRMS based method for the quantification and confirmation of banned growth-promoting substances in animal-based food products by Anton Kaufmann, Cantonal Laboratory Zurich, Switzerland
6.Consumer analytical devices with a focus on food allergens by Bert Popping, FOCOS, Germany
7.Use of portable biosensor devices to assist in food safety decisions earlier in the supply chain by Sandra Salleres, Biolan Microbiosensores, Spain
8.Metabolomics analysis applied to Food Frauds: A comparison between fresh and frozen/thawed fish by Roberto Stella, IZS delle Venezie, Italy
2. “Continued Progress in the Multiclass, Multiresidue Analysis of Veterinary Drugs in Animal Tissues”, Steven Lehotay, US-DA, ARS, Wyndmoor, Philadelphia, PA, USA
3. “Unified HRMS based workflows integrating the quantification and confirmation of veterinary drugs”, Anton Kaufman, Official Food Control Authority of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland
5. “A streamlined LC-MS/MS platform for the screening and confirmation of 152 veterinary drug residues in a broad range of food raw materials, processed ingredients and finished products”, Thierry Delatour, Nestec Research Center, Nestlé, Vers-chez-les-blanc, Lausanne, Switzerland
1. “Accurate Quantitation and Analysis of Nitrofurans and Phenicols in Seafood by UHPLC-MS/MS: Proficiency Testing and State Regulatory Samples”, Kevin C Hsieh, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Tallahassee, FL, USA
2. “Moving from targeted towards non-targeted approaches”, Anton Kaufmann, Official food control authority of the Canton of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
3. “Matrix effect-monitored screening of a hundred veterinary drug residues in food by liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry”, Thierry Delatour, Nestlé Research Centre, Lausanne, Switzerland
1. Sherri TURNIPSEED, US-FDA, ADRC-Denver, "Application of a screening method for drug resdiues in aquacultured products using high resolution mass spectrometry"
2. Dominique HURTAUD-PESSEL, EU-RL Antibiotic VMPR and Dye Residues, Anses-Fougeres, Application of Q-Exactive High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for the Screening of Veterinary Drug Residues"
3. Jon WONG, US-FDA, College Park, "Development, Implementation, ad Use of Mass Spectral Libraries and Compound Databases for Screening Chemical Residues and Contaminants in Foods Using LC-HRMS"
1. Jon Wong, US-FDA, College Park, "Validation of Multiresidue Pesticide & Veterinary Drug Methods at FDA"
2. Amadeo Fernandez-Alba, EU-RL Pesticides, Univ Almeria, "EU Quality Control Guidelines for Pesticide Residue Analysis"
3. Louis Bluhm, US-DA, "Progress on CCPR Guidelines for Method Performance Criteria for Pesticides"
4. Paul Zomer, EU-RL GPA, Rikilt-WUR, "High Resolution Mass Spectrometry in View of CD 2002/657/EC and the Future Challenges"
1. Kaufmann A., KLZH-Switzerland, "Advantages nad drawbacks of new HRMS and LRMS technologies in LC-MS"
2. Junot C., DEA-France, "Apport des nouvelles technologies pour la métabolomique"
3. Hurtaud-Pessel D., Anses-Fougeres, "Dépistage des résidus de médicaments vétérinaires par spectrométrie de masse : LC-MS/MS ou LC-HRMS ?"
4. Biré A., Anses-Maisons-alfort, "Apport du non-ciblé dans l'investigation de TIAC"
5. Martel AC. & Six T., Anses-Sophia antipolis & Anses-DEPR, "Méthodes d'extraction de résidus de pesticides appliquées aux diverses matrices apicoles. Un cadre réglementaire et des LMR en cours de définition"
Nifursol monitoring in poultry muscle tissue through detection of its major metabolite : 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid hydrazide (DNSAH) by analysis with LC-tandemMS, VERDON E., COUEDOR P., SANDERS P., 2005, 119th meeting of the AOAC International , September 11-14, Orlando, Florida, USA
Overview of screening and confirmation methods for antibiotic residues in the European Union by Valerie Gaudin (CRL Fougeres) during the Workshop 'Screening and confirming methods for food control' organised by the JRC in Geel (Belgium) 27 and 28th January 2005.
Antibiotic residues in Milk: LC-MS/MS confirmation (identification and quantification) for positive results obtained with microbiological inhibitor screening tests, MORETAIN JP., DELEPINE B., 2004, 5th Conference on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Food, May 10-12 - Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands